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The Grammar of God’s Story (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Community Group Discussion Questions

Helping one another love Jesus, His people, and His world.

Text:Ephesians 2:11-22

Sermon Title: The Grammar of God’s Story

Loving Jesus

  1. In what ways does verses 12-14 say that you’re nearer to Jesus than you use to be? According to these verses, what made the difference? What helps you remember this great transition daily? Weekly?  

Loving His People

  1. In what ways have you bought in to an overly individualistic view of salvation? If you were to make progress in better focusing on the “we” of God’s people instead of the “us and thems” or “mes” of our flesh, what changes would we be able to observe? Explain.

 Loving His World

  1. What do you think it would do for your witness to the world to experience former dividing walls torn down in your life? This week, what’s one specific way you can live out God’s story of reconciliation, both as a reconciled person and as an agent of reconciliation?



Posted by Kalib Wilkinson with