Jesus tells his disciples that he will be leaving them, BUT not to worry. He tells them that they know the Father because they know him. They will also receive the Spirit, the Helper that will comfort, teach, and remind them of all that Jesus had said to them. Jesus is fully God and fully human
DISCUSSION: Is it hard to understand the trinity? Can you think of any examples that help you understand?
[Ex. Water(liquid/ice/steam) Egg (shell, yolk, egg white) A tree with branches]
None of those examples you thought of are exactly like the trinity and in the end we have to trust. It will never fully make sense through our worldly understanding how Jesus can be 100% God and 100% Human, as well as God being ONE and yet also three persons.
STORY: Anyone who wants to travel internationally is required to have a passport. A passport comes from the country in which the person has citizenship, and it gives the person’s name, birthdate, and physical characteristics. When entering other countries or reentering his home country, the passport is used to ensure a person is who he says he is. When Philip asked Jesus to show him the Father, Jesus replied that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father. Like a passport that proves a person’s identity, Jesus’ powerful teaching and amazing miracles prove that He is God. When He was healing the sick, raising the dead, and forgiving sins—things only God can do—Jesus was showing His divine authority and power. As we learn about the miracles of Jesus, we might be amazed or excited. But be careful not to miss the point. Jesus’ miracles were signs that are meant to point us to God and help us to believe in Him. Jesus’ miracles are meant to show us the beauty of God’s plan to restore His relationship with His creation. Jesus came to dwell with sinners and died to offer them new life in Him. God continues to dwell with those who believe in Jesus by sending the Holy Spirit— who is God living with and within every believer. When you hear of Jesus’ miracles, realize that God is showing you His plan to come and restore a relationship with You.
QUESTION: Is there more than one way to God?
ANSWER: No, there is only one way. Through Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.
QUESTION: Phillip says “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us” (John 14:8) What is Jesus’ response
ANSWER: John 14:9 “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Phillip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me?...”
Lil' GK verse
Elementary GK verse
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Lil' GK Scripture Song
Elementary GK Scripture Song
Thank You for wanting to dwell with us. You sent Jesus—God the Son—to rescue us from sin, and You send Your Spirit to dwell with us and in us when we believe. Thank You for giving us all these ways to see who You are and to help us believe in You.
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco