Ministries at Grace Church are designed to help you connect to a Christ-centered community and to learn and grow your relationships with each other and with Jesus, no matter what stage of life you are in: children, students, or adults.
Stay strong in your faith by joining your brothers at the next GraceMen event designed to equip, empower and encourage you to engage life with the grace and power of the gospel.
No matter what season of life we are in, we still have room for spiritual growth. Come and increase your connection to the Vine and grow closer to other women who are abiding in Christ at the next Flourish event.
The Christian life is meant to be shared. That is why our Small Groups focus on biblical fellowship to better facilitate the process of sanctification, the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the mutual care of each person here at Grace Church Frisco. We have sermon-based small groups called Community Groups, as well as several other small group ministries such as re|engage and ReFrame.
Our mission is partnering with parents to reach the next generation with the gospel. We partner with parents to develop kids who are prayer warriors, true worshipers and Christ-followers through gospel-centered activities, instruction and fellowship.
Our goal is to equip and empower students to know, love and serve Christ through interactive teaching and intentional small groups that are immersed in the gospel.
Behind every parent who is asking, “how do I juggle everything and help my son or daughter love Jesus?” That is why every Parent Equipping event is focused on equipping parents with the gospel of grace as they juggle the challenges unique to this season of life.
NEXT is a ministry for ages 18-24 with the purpose of building community during the season of transition out of high School into whatever you have next. When we gather, we dig into our Christian worldview and look at the cultural issues we will face in life through a scriptural lens. It’s a safe place to be yourself, ask questions, and express doubts as well.
Rooted is our gathering for married and single adults ages 18 to 30-something. Rooted exists to ground us in the Truth of God's Word and Gospel, for mutual Growth in godliness, so that we might Influence those around us with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
re|engage is our marriage groups ministry. We believe God's grace is marriage-altering. Whether your marriage needs to be enriched, reignited, or completely resurrected, re|engage is a place where we pursue God so that He might make our marriages more into what He created them to be.
Most of us spend more time on our jobs than we do in all of the other arenas of life combined. Each Grace@Work event is designed to remind us that our work, regardless of our particular vocation, really matters to God and therefore should really matter to us.
God calls us to care for orphans and to protect the fatherless. Therefore, we encourage you to partner with us as we serve alongside several organizations designed to help fostered and adopted children in our own community and the families that are providing them with love, hope and care.
As the music team, we want to provide resources for members, guests and friends of Grace Church as they worship God in personal, family, small group and corporate settings.
Alpha is a series of interactive discussions in a friendly atmosphere exploring the meaning of life and Christian faith over a meal.
GC's Mercy Ministry attempts to include various ministries in the church to help members grow in God's grace to enable a lifestyle of godly stewardship.
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco