

Jesus placed a high value on prayer. He healed people, cast out demons and raised the dead to life through prayer. He was in constant communion with His Father - at times giving thanks and at other times lamenting through prayer. He lived a life of regular dependence on the Father’s help, praying for wisdom, strength, and for the protection and salvation of those whom He loved. He even died while praying. He taught his disciples how to pray and faith-filled prayer has been a distinguishing mark of His followers, the Church, ever since.

Prayer is not just an opportunity to be like Jesus, but it is a primary way that we can be part of fulfilling God’s mission in the world. God’s mission has always been to glorify Himself by blessing and dwelling with His people. In other word’s, God has saved us in order that we, His people, might enjoy fellowship with Him.

We seek to be a people of dependence on and trust in the sovereign grace of God through prayer. We desire to be a “praying church” because we desire the fellowship with God that the blood of Jesus purchased at Calvary, to His glory.

Two practical ways you can get involved are by joining our weekly prayer meeting and/or by joining our Prayer Team:

  • We pray on Sunday mornings from 8:00 - 8:45 am in the Prayer room upstairs. All are welcome to join us.
  • Our Prayer Team is available to pray with people after Sunday morning gatherings, commits to pray through prayer requests throughout the week, and gathers to pray over specific issues at various times. Please join us on a Sunday morning and fill out a prayer card so we can pray specifically for you!
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