
Jesus Taught about Character

Grace Kids • January 5, 2025

JANUARY 5, 2025

Jesus Taught About Character

Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of God and what it means to follow Him. He taught how people should live. 


DISCUSSION: What is some sayings, phrases, or slogans that you always remember? Is there any wisdom in them? What about your parent(s)/guardian(s) or grandparent(s) – did they have any wise or famous sayings?

STORY: What do you think would happen if you stomped on a ketchup packet? Would you expect only air to escape the contents of the packet? Undoubtedly, the pressure of the stomp would result in an explosion of ketchup, and perhaps a messy shoe.

Oddly enough, we don't always predict our responses to specific situations accurately. In moments of extreme pressure or challenge, we are surprised at our own responses and decisions.

The beginning of The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 contains what we often call the ‘Beatitudes.’ In these eight verses, there are specific descriptions of people who could be seen in a negative light. Poor, mourning, humbled, hungry, thirsty, and persecuted are all words that describe a posture seen as less than favorable in our culture. Yet, this text speaks of the blessing of each of them.

The blessings result through a God-centered perspective. The poor in spirit, hungry, humble are those who have set their hope in God and His eternal kingdom. The poor in spirit have recognized that they are utterly lost without God. Those who mourn acknowledge the guilt of their sin and the pain of a broken world. The hungry and thirsty understand that nothing in this world will satisfy like Jesus. The character of the people of God reveals a response of faith in Him.

QUESTION:  How does the phrase “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for…”

ANSWER:  “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”


QUESTION:  Jesus asks the crowd two questions “For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have?...And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others?” (Matt 5:46-47) What is Jesus saying here?

ANSWER:  Jesus is showing how we can sometimes tell ourselves it is okay not to love some people, or even our enemies, by hiding it behind the people we do love. But Jesus shines a spotlight on the fact that we naturally will love, he created us that way. However, we are not naturally going to love people that we do not like, or that do not like us, but Jesus does not say ignore them and focus on your squad. NO. In fact he says something kind of crazy, “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matt 5:48) An impossible task, but one that points back to our need for Him.


Lil' GK verse

Elementary GK verse

Or learn it through song!

Lil' GK Scripture Song

Elementary GK Scripture Song

Heavenly Father,

In everything we do, let us find times of thankfulness. Let us see how often we fall short, and are uncapable, week, and needy. Fill us with your strength, peace, and hope; so that we may be your light.


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