Why a Music Blog?
As the music team, we want to provide resources for members, guests and friends of Grace Church as they worship God in personal, family, small group and corporate settings. Our goal with this blog is to distribute resources that we hope will help you as you obey Jesus’ command to “worship in spirit and truth.” When we worship, we are commanded to do so by the power of Holy Spirit and by believing the truth that Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf gave us direct access to the Throne of God. We want to reflect these truths by worshiping with passionate energy and with the knowledge that is informed by Scripture so that our worship is emotional, cognitive and theologically sound. Enjoy!
Thanks for your interest in serving in the music ministry at Grace Church. What a privilege it is to have musical skill to be able to worship the Lord with!
In order to expedite and take some of the pressure off of musical auditions, we're going to ask you to do them in the comfort of your home on a day that is great for you, and simply submit a video to us. Feel free to put your best foot forward, sing or play songs that you feel really comfortable with, and in a setting where you're not under pressure!
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco