MorningsWorship God as the one true God! Praise Him because there is no one like Him. How do you see God’s superiority in this week’s Bible story? What other stories in the Bible show us that He is the one true God?
• Why didn’t carrying the ark of the covenant into battle help Israel defeat the Philistines?
• What are some ways God showed He has power over idols and false gods?
Worship God as the one true God! Praise Him because there is no one like Him. How do you see God’s superiority in this week’s Bible story? What other stories in the Bible show us that He is the one true God?
Thank God for His power. Thank Him for the comfort and confidence that comes with knowing the Almighty God. How does this Bible story show us the one-of-a-kind power of God? How does God’s ultimate power help us to trust in Him?
For Fun...
1. Work with your kids to decorate a large shoe box to be a “Family Treasure Box.” Decide together what items should go into it to serve as reminders of vacations, outings, or other fun times spent together. Discuss the ways the ark was more than a “treasure box”.
2. Go for a walk or run as a family. Allow kids to pick the route. Talk about God’s promise to be with Joshua wherever he went. Ask kids how God has extended that promise to anyone who believes in Jesus. How is God with them wherever they go?
To Serve...
1. Volunteer to plant flowers or complete another beautification project at your local church. Talk with kids about how God might use the church to draw people to Himself. Be sure to explain that God’s presence is not limited to the church building, but the building can still be a reminder for the community of God’s presence and activity.
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
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Grace Church Frisco