By His grace, God spared the Israelites from judgment by requiring the blood of a lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and those who trust in Jesus are under His saving blood and will be passed over in the final judgment.
• What about God did the 10 plagues prove to Egypt?
• Why was it significant that the Israelites had to kill a spotless lamb to avoid the tenth plague?
Praise God for His presence when we go through difficult times. How did God’s presence help the Israelites during the plagues? Why could the Israelites trust God through hard times?
Thank God for the Bible and how every page points us to Jesus as the Savior we need. How is Jesus the hero of God’s story?
For Fun...
1. Research the elements in a traditional Passover Seder meal. Consider making such a meal and walking your family through the symbolic meaning of the different dishes. Involve your kids in the prep work and discuss why the Israelites had to prepare by packing bags, remaining dressed, and keeping their shoes on.
2. Research the foods eaten at a traditional Passover Seder supper and prepare some of those dishes for your family. Explain to your kids that the Feast of Passover remembers when God “passed over” the Israelites who placed the blood of the lamb around their doors. As you eat, talk about the symbolism of the foods and how the Passover pointed to Jesus.
Supplies: Passover meal items
To Serve...
1. Take time this week to celebrate and remember Jesus as the sacrificial lamb who provides for our salvation. Work as a family to create a poster with John 1:29 written out on it that will hang inside your front door. As you pass through that doorway each day, pause to remember how God saved the Israelites and how He sent Jesus as the One who saves.
Supplies: poster board, marker
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
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Grace Church Frisco