Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and God provided a way for them to escape through the Red Sea. The Bible says that Jesus is greater than Moses. (Hebrews 3:3) People who trust in Jesus escape the penalty of sin and have eternal life.
• How might you feel, knowing that God had promised to fight for you?
• Can you think of any ways God has won a victory for you?
Ask God to remind you of His great power when you pray. Ask Him to give you boldness when you pray and confidence that He can do anything He chooses. Is there any limit to God’s power? How does God’s power give us confidence to ask Him for what we need?
Praise God for the ways you saw His glory in creation today. Thinking of how the large sky reminds us of God’s greatness. The sun’s brightness reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world, and the evergreen trees remind us that we can have eternal life through Jesus.
For Fun...
1. Use pillows or couch cushions to make a “sea.” Re-enact the story with your family, parting the pillows to make a path through the sea. Volunteer to play the part of Pharaoh and his army; invite your kids to toss pillows at you near the end to represent the waves crashing down.
2. Fill a large bowl with water. Use cups or spoons to scoop water from the bowl. Allow your kids to use their hands to attempt to “hold back” the water as it falls into the bowl. Discuss God’s power over creation and how He is the only one who can hold back the waters as He did for the Israelites.
Supplies: large bowl, cups or spoons
To Serve...
1. Visit a lake or river to collect trash and debris from the shoreline. Dispose of the trash in appropriate bags or bins. As you stand in front of the body of water, talk with your kids about how God parted the waters of the Red Sea. Imagine what it would’ve been like to see this miracle and how it might have increased the Israelites’ faith in God.
Supplies: trash bags, gloves
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco