In parables, about wheat, weeds, and mustard seeds Jesus preaches of the kingdom of God. This kingom is Jesus’ main message. He shows that this kingdom is valuable and worth giving everything for.
PARENTS: Today your students may have learned about the fact that not everyone will enter the Kingdom of God. This could result in some questions and thoughts about themselves or others. Hopefully, as the lesson pushed, the Kingdom of God is a wonderful treasure you and your kids have the wonderful opportunity to share through actions and words. This does not mean that God denies people who have truly accepted Jesus as their one and only savior.
DISCUSSION: What is the most valuable thing you own?
STORY: In 1989, a man shopping at a flea market in Adamstown, Pennsylvania, found and purchased a framed painting for a grand total of $4. He didn’t care much for the painting but liked the frame, so it seemed to be a fair price. While inspecting his purchase, the torn canvas and old frame fell apart and revealed a small, folded note inside the frame. The small note was one of the original printings of the Declaration of Independence from 1776. It had been hidden and preserved for more than 200 years. This man didn’t quite get what he was expecting because his $4 purchase turned into a rare treasure that he later sold for $2.5 million. This week, we learned that Jesus used stories, called parables, to help people understand what the kingdom of God is like. Many of the people who heard about Jesus expected Him to be a king who would overthrow the Roman empire. They expected a great kingdom on Earth that would bring wealth and power to God’s people. But that’s not how Jesus described His kingdom. In Matthew 13, Jesus compared the kingdom of God to things like a tiny mustard seed, a priceless pearl, and a hidden treasure. Jesus wanted those who could understand to see how the kingdom of God would begin small but grow and spread throughout the world. He also wanted them to see that knowing Him and belonging to this Kingdom was far more valuable than anything else we could possess. While this type of kingdom wasn’t what the people expected, Jesus is the King of kings, and He is growing the Kingdom above all kingdoms!
QUESTION: Jesus said “When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path.” in relation to the parable of the Sower. Does this mean that if you do not understand something about God’s word that your belief will get snatched away?
ANSWER: No, it’s not saying that if you don’t understand something you’re doomed. Even Jesus’ disciples did not understand his parables and asked him to explain them. It is about wanting to understand and searching for an answer. There is plenty that we will not understand about God and his word, but we can search for answers over the entirety of our lives.
QUESTION: Why is the Kingdom of God so valuable that Jesus speaks of people getting rid of everything?
ANSWER: First, because being with God is what we were designed to be. Secondly, because it is eternal. Anything that is eternal is worth far more than anything of this temporary world.
Lil' GK verse
Elementary GK verse
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Lil' GK Scripture Song
Elementary GK Scripture Song
We praise You because Your kingdom is greater than everything else! Help us to know you as the King of kings. And give us the courage and the opportunity to tell others about Your amazing love.
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Frisco, TX 75034
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Grace Church Frisco