Community Group Discussion Questions
Helping one another love Jesus, His people, and His world
Loving Jesus
1. Jesus promises that those who conquer will be made "pillars" in the temple of God, symbolizing a permanent place in His presence. How does this promise of eternal security and belonging encourage you to endure patiently in your current struggles or doubts?
Loving His People
2. This text reminds us that God works through weak people and small churches. How does this message encourage you in moments when you feel weak or insignificant in the world? How does it encourage you to press into your Kingdom ministry to others in our group?
Loving His World
3. The kind of church people often seek today (large, influential, with popular programs) is different than the small, weak, and faithful church that Jesus commends. How do cultural expectations of success bleed into our church family? In what way(s) can we fight back with these biblical values?
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Frisco, TX 75034
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Grace Church Frisco