
God Deserves our Worship

Grace Kids tim.payne • February 5, 2023

God deserves our worship. He created us to be in a relationship with Him, and He has provided salvation from sin through His Son, Jesus. We can worship God by loving and obeying Him as we live to give Him glory.


Discussion Questions:

• What does it mean to worship?

• Why does God deserve all our worship?

• Why do you think we sometimes worship people or things other than God?

Family Prayer:

Offer your day to God and ask Him to be glorified through everything You do. How can your obedience be an act of worship?

Make a list of ways you can worship God. Thank Him for giving us many options to offer the praise He deserves. What are some ways you worshiped God today?

Family Activities:

For Fun...

1. Work together as a family to write a poem praising God and the things He has done for you. Consider using a psalm, such as Psalm 66, 78, or 136 as a guide. Come up with a melody to sing the poem, or set the poem to a well-known melody.

2. Use the Internet to look up funny or unusual laws that are technically still enforceable in the United States. Talk about how those laws might have once filled a purpose but are no longer needed. Now, flip through the Book of Leviticus together and read some of the laws God gave the Israelites. Some of these laws are no longer needed, but they still show us how we are to relate to a holy God. Talk about some of the ways your family can use offerings as a way to worship God.

To Serve...

1. Make a monetary donation to a local ministry or missionary partner of your church. Ask each family member to contribute money to the offering. Talk with your kids about how our offerings allow us to thank God for all He provides and then celebrate what God can do through the ministry of those you support.

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