God told the Israelites to build a tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God wants to be with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Jesus to dwell on earth with people.
• How do we know God wants to live with His people?
• Why do you think God wants to dwell with His people?
• In what way does God live with us today
Ask God to remind you of His presence throughout your day. How does God’s presence bring us peace? How can our love for others be a reminder of God’s desire to have a relationship with them?
Thank God for your church. The church building, like the tabernacle, is a place where we can worship God. Also, thank God that anyone who believes in Jesus has received the Holy Spirit—God dwelling with them and in them. This means we can experience God’s presence at all times in all places.
For Fun...
1. Plan a camping trip with your family. Ask your kids to help you set up the tent, and use the time to talk about the reasons God instructed His people to build the tabernacle, such as their need for a portable place to meet with Him. Ask your kids to talk about the pros and cons of meeting with God in a tent.
2. Use blankets and furniture to make an indoor tent. Climb into the tent and read the Bible story together. Tell stories of times when you felt God’s presence with you and celebrate the fact that God wants to dwell with His people.
Supplies: blankets
To Serve...
1. Volunteer to clean or decorate your church for an upcoming service. Work as a family to prepare the space for worship. As you work, talk with your kids about the specific instructions God gave for the tabernacle construction. Remind your kids that the Holy Spirit is God who dwells with, and in, every believer. While the church building is an important place for believers to gather, our worship of God is not limited to this space.
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco