What hope is there for my problem and/or question?
The Bible says that our sole hope in this complex and broken world is God Himself, for with Him there is steadfast love and plentiful redemption (Psalm 130). And if God did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, with Him, give us all things we need (Romans 8:32). Hope is not a thing; it’s a person, and His name is Jesus. He is the one who demonstrates God’s steadfast love. He, ultimately through his resurrection, is the proof that with God there is plentiful redemption. He has promised and secured that whatever struggle or sin we face, whether self-imposed or done against us, will be used for our ultimate good. Further, He gives His Spirit to all who trust Him. The Spirit comforts us, assuring us we are God’s beloved children, and He helps us become more like our Savior in and through every test, trial, or temptation.
He does not leave us aimless. He has given us His Word, the Bible, which guides our paths, orders our steps, reminds us of the good news, and provides everything necessary for a person to know Him and live in a way that pleases Him. Further, He gives us His people, the church, to help encourage us toward a life of persevering trust, joy-filled worship, and obedient good works. He promises to give grace to the humble (1 Peter 5), so we should fully avail ourselves to the primary means of hope Jesus gives: His Spirit, His Word, and His people.
Who can come for counseling?
The Soul Care Team offers counseling for individuals and/or couples who are members or regular attenders of Grace Church.
What kind of counseling is offered?
Soul Care counselors provide spiritual, emotional, relational, and psychological support services to individuals, couples, and families in Grace Church.
We define biblical counselors as professionally and/or biblically trained persons who combine counseling techniques and Scriptural principles in a unique approach to helping others with life problems.
The goal of biblical Soul Care is to come alongside you and help you grow into the image of Christ by understanding heart issues and applying the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Who are the counselors?
The Soul Care Team consists of pastors and qualified individuals who are trained or are being trained in biblical counseling through Soul Care Consulting.
What does the counseling cost?
This is a no-fee ministry of the church. Our counselors are made up of pastoral staff and a voluntary team committed to positive change in people’s lives. This assistance is offered at no charge, though small charges may be necessary for books and materials used in homework assignments.
When will I be counseled?
Soul Care is available on an appointment basis. Most sessions are available Tuesday through Sunday, 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
How long will counseling last?
Counseling sessions normally last one hour each week for approximately 6-8 weeks. The number of sessions may be shortened or lengthened depending upon one’s progress.
What will my counselor expect of me?
Your counselor will expect at least four things from you: First, you must have a willingness to grow and change. Second, you must attend each week’s session. Third, you must complete homework assignments between counseling sessions to actively take a role in your growth and change. Finally, the best care is done in the context of biblical community, and thus, you are expected to participate in the community life of our church by regularly attending Sunday morning gatherings and actively participating in a small group. If you do not currently have a small group, your counselor will help you find one that best suits you.
What is Advocacy?
We believe it’s important to involve “advocates” to walk alongside counselees. An advocate, in most basic terms, describes someone who loves Jesus Christ and loves the person seeking counsel. He or she is important in the counseling process because they can provide long-term support, accountability, and encouragement.
Because we believe that advocacy is so important for the efficacy of the counseling process, we desire that each individual or couple coming getting help from a Soul Care counselor comes with an advocate. During this introduction process, we encourage you to prayerfully consider who will serve you in this capacity: a concerned friend, mentor, ministry leader, or sometimes a family member.
Seek out advocates who exemplify the character qualities that you desire to develop and who have sincere love for God. The advocate would submit to the counseling process and support your counselor. Furthermore, he or she should possess a growing knowledge of the Word, a willingness to attend counseling, and a desire to grow and change with you as the counselee. Finally, we ask that advocates commit to humbly walking beside you for 3-6 months during/following counseling.
Please be prepared to discuss potential advocates with your counselor at your initial meeting. If you do not have any potential advocates, your counselor will work with you to help you find someone who might serve you in this role.
Where do I begin?
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us:
Phone: (469)-633-9104.
Email: soulcare@gracechurchfrisco.org
8440 Grace Street
Frisco, TX 75034
Copyright © 2023
Grace Church Frisco