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A God and A Gospel That Never Change

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October 1, 2017
As we celebrate our church's 12th Anniversary this weekend, it is amazing to think back on all of the things that have happened in the past 12 years.  People that have come, children that have been born, families that have moved away, lives have been transformed, new believers have been baptized, and Frisco has grown from a small town to one of the largest cities in North Texas.  After meeting in two hotels and three elementary schools as our earliest meeting places, followed by a fixed-up warehouse building, we have finally landed in our permanent facility in Frisco Square.  
And yet, with all those changes, some things have remained the same.  The Gospel has not changed.  The effects of the Gospel on the lost and the redeemed continue to be on display in and among us. And God has not changed.  His faithfulness has been on display in the midst of all kinds of changes in our lives and circumstances as a church family.  His power and provision have never been in doubt, as He has continually worked on our behalf to provide ministry opportunities and resources to support them.  His unfailing mercy has sustained us, His steadfast love has comforted us, and His empowering grace has enabled us to build a church centered on His Word and His Gospel.  How great is his faithfulness!  This Sunday, let's come ready to sing about and to this Faithful God we serve.
Here are the songs we'll be singing:
How Great Is Your Faithfulness
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Reading of The Apostles' Creed
This I Believe
Grace Alone
Grace So Glorious
Posted by Tim Payne with

To See His Glory

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John 17:24 says, "Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory."
I was caught off-guard this week in reading a devotional by John Piper, where he basically made the point the greatest version of joy we can experience is NOT in celebrating the fact the Jesus Loves Me.  At first glance, that seems crazy.  Shouldn't I be so overwhelmed with the truth that God loves me...that He proved his love by sending his Son to lovingly, sacrificially, die to bring me back into a relationship with Him... that nothing else compares?
See, while God wants us to celebrate how much His love for us is proved in the Gospel, and to be amazed at this grace forevermore, He has an even higher purpose for rescuing even higher privilege to call is into.  He wants our greatest joy to be found in celebrating HIM.  He wants our greatest energy to be spent studying and declaring and extolling HIS glory.  
As Jesus prayed in John 17:24, He wants us to be with Him TO (so that we might) see His glory.  That's what we come each week to extoll the glories of God, to thank Him for his bountiful goodness and greatness and power and glory.  Of course, we thank Him for saving us as part of this, but it's not the ultimate's a part of how we can take our joy in glorifying Him.
This Sunday, we're singing songs that hopefully help us to set our mind on, and find our joy in declaring, "God, you are Great! You are Holy! You are King! You are Worthy of all Praise! We are here to Praise your Glorious Name!
We'll be singing:
Holy Holy Holy
Here For You
Glorious Day
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Posted by Tim Payne with
