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The Gospel for Now and Forever

August 27, 2017

As we continue our series on the Everyday Gospel this week, we'll be hearing about how the Gospel is to impact our leisure this Sunday.  This series has continued to direct our attention to the fact that God cares about each moment of our day, not just those few moments we spend at church each Sunday.  

During our singing time this week, we'll be focusing on how the Gospel, how the completed work of Christ, not only impacts our current days, but also gives us a future and a hope.  Christ has conquered sin and death...He has taken away our condemnation...He has promised help for all our trials and all our fears....He has given us purpose for all our activities.  He has bought for us the opportunity to live each moment with joy, hope, and expectation of the the eternal impact of our decisions.  If you're like me, you need those reminders, and you need to regularly re-embrace the effects of the Gospel on your daily decisions...and surrender everything to the Lord.  We'll also be celebrating communion together, reminding one another of the eternal significance of Christ's work for us on the Cross.

Here are the songs we'll be singing this week:

-10,000 Reasons
-Come Thou Fount
-Grace So Glorious
-You Have My Surrender
Here's a Spotify playlist for you to listen to as you and your family prepare for Sunday.  We can't wait to worship the Lord together with you all!
Posted by Tim Payne with
Posted by Tim Payne with
